Recovery Source

Recovery Source provides a collection of tools that are meant to demystify website maintenance, leaving anyone with the skills required to build, deploy, maintain, and support websites for 12-Step groups.

Our goal is to help 12-Step groups reach out to those who are still suffering.

What We Provide …


This Recovery Source Handbook is designed to take our target audience from absolute beginner to a competent website administrator who is able to support a website for their 12-Step group.

The documentation provided here covers the breadth of our projects and provides the foundational knowledge required to understand how websites work and how all of the pieces fit together.

Domain Services

The primary purpose of Sober Page is to offer a free domain name and directory listing to 12-Step Sober Support Groups, allowing them to easily create a website and place it onto the internet using a standardized URL format (ex. for Area 0, District 1 of A.A.).

This domain solution allows us to easily absorb the overhead required to provide a basic set of services, which grants us a tremendous amount of flexibility to resolve a wide variety of “common” issues.

With Sober Page, groups can avoid the cost and hassle of purchasing and naming their own domain, or they use some of the services along with their own existing domain.

Website Template

Our Website Template provides a “turn-key” website solution that enables you to focus on little more than meeting accuracy. This removes many common stumbling blocks that often lead to financially-problematic results.

Unlike website builders (wix, shopify, squarespace, etc.) or content management systems (wordpress, drupal, etc.), our solution is based on a Static Site Generator (SSG), which means there are many options for no-cost website hosting.

AAMod Plugin

The real heavy lifter behind our Website Template is AAMod; this improves accessibility and adds website features designed for 12-Step sites.

This plugin adds many extra features, including automatic generation of foldable meeting schedule (PDF).


Our goal is for this handbook to serve all of your educational needs; if something is missing or explained poorly, we certainly want about it.

Not all things can be answered in documentation, especially if you would like us to help with maintenance tasks; our Discord Link is Open to all.