Meeting Data Format


Use of correct space and syntax in yaml files is CRITICAL! If unsure, syntax can be validated with:

  • Use two spaces to indent elements.

  • Required Fields: [name, time, type]

  • Valid type codes come from

    Partial List: EN:English, B:BigBook, C:Closed, O:Open, 12x12:TwelveByTwelve, D:Discussion, SP:Speaker, ST:StepStudy, TR:TraditionStudy, X:WheelchairAccess, BA:Babysitting

  • Default timezone is provided by the Meeting Guide shortcode

  • Each “meeting” can be placed into a file named data/meetings/<shortname>.yaml:

    • The filename replaces <shortname>: in the format and this should be removed; the leading two spaces must also be removed in this structure

    • The <shortname> tag is arbitrary, but used as the slug portion of the URL

    • It can be helpful to prepend a district tag to each meeting filename

    • Live example:

  • For online-only meetings, place can be Zoom-Only (or similar)

  • Meeting Guide expects US-formatted “address” => <street_address>, <city>, <state>, <zip>

    • AAMod will split on comma (,) and trim spaces

    • If no address is provided, ,,,Online is used as a Meeting Guide-compatible default

    • If no country is provided, US is used as a valid default