Document Formats


HyperText Markup Language is the standard language of the internet.

For example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>My First Webpage</title>
    <h1>Welcome to My Webpage</h1>
    <p>This is my <b>first</b> paragraph of text. I'm learning HTML!</p>

In this example, “first” is wrapped in “bold” tags and so a web browser will display that text as bold:

This is my **first** paragraph of text. I'm learning HTML!

This format is not particularly friendly to newcomers, but it is what we must work with. In order to make this easier, static website generators will read files that were written with a different format and then produce HTML files that web browsers can download and understand.


Markdown (.md) is one of the most widely supported document formats that is designed to become HTML content.

Example Markdown:

**Best** Food:

- Lettuce
- Turnip
- Pea

This becomes the following HTML:

<p><b>Best</b> Food:</p>

and will display as:

Best Food:

  • Lettuce

  • Turnip

  • Pea

Markdown Guide provides a complete list of syntax that can be used and Dillinger provides an interactive website to watch how changes impact the rendered page.


RestructuredText (.rst) serves the same general purpose as Markdown but uses a different syntax to produce HTML content.

Many basic formatting features are the same between Markdown and RST, and our Markdown example from above is valid RST as well.

The RST Spec provides a complete list of syntax and FEAT provides an online RST editor that can be used to see the result of changes.


YAML (.yml) is designed to store information (data) in a way that is easy to read and write.

For example, we could have file named recipes.yml with the content:

Peanut Butter Toast:
    - item: bread
      quantity: 1 slice
    - item: peanut butter
      quantity: 1 Tbsp
    - Insert sliced bread into toaster
    - Toast to desired level and remove from toaster
    - Apply peanut butter to toast and smear

Yogurt Parfait:
    - item: yogurt
      quantity: 1 cup
    - item: granola
      quantity: 1/2 cup
    - item: mixed berries
      quantity: 1/2 cup
    - Combine ingredients into container
    - Mix until combines

Ansible provides an explanation of YAML syntax. For the purposes of this handbook, it is sufficient to understand that this syntax requires paying close attention to details. Something as trivial as an extra space, or using tabs, or a forgotten hyhpen/colon can break a document.

Use Online YAML Parser to copy/paste this example and experiment with making changes, like removing a leading spaces.

Follow Along

Pull out GitHub Desktop and open the git repository from the Git Primer, and remember to fetch any recent changes.

Update so that it contains the following text:

My Demo

This is a git playground for my personal experiments.

Scratch Pad

The area below is a great place to play around with Markdown syntax.

You can:

- Make a list
- Make **bold** text
- Make *italic* text
- Make **bold *and italic*** text

Commit any changes and push them to your git repository. Then open your repository on to see how these changes to are displayed.


Chapter Recap

There are many document formats that are built from plain text files. Each have their own strengths, weaknesses, and use cases.

In the next chapter, we will create a very basic static website using HTML.