Website with Jekyll

There are many Static Site Generators (SSGs) out there. GitHub has some “magic” integration with Jekyll, making this the easiest path forward.

Convert Site

Jekyll requires that a _config.yml file exist within the git repository. This YAML file will require two values:

  1. title: Our example used DemoSite, so we will keep this value

  2. theme: GitHub provides a limited set of themes that require no extra effort to use

Using these values, create _config.yml similar to the following:

title: DemoSite
theme: jekyll-theme-cayman

Rename index.html to and update it with the following content:

title: Home Page

Hello, World!

This **bold** exists within paragraph tags.

Check out [Page #2](/second)

Similarly, rename second.html to and update it with:

title: Second Page

Page Number Two

This is a second page [with a link](/) to the Home page.

Finally, review these changes in GitHub Desktop, create a quality commit message, and push the changes to GitHub


After a short period of time, GitHub will build the new version of your website. You will now be able to observe that Jekyll combined our Markdown documents with a “theme” and generated two HTML pages.


Change Theme

The minima theme is built into jekyll, and so it naturally provides access to the most features. Changing to this new theme is as easy as updating the single line in our configuration file to say theme: minima.


After a quality commit, push, and coffee break …


Surprise! This theme even comes with a navigational menu. :)

Markdown Content

Using markdown means we have many advanced formatting features available that do not require us to know any HTML.

Add to your git repository with the content:

title: Markdown

# Example heading

This is an example of markdown features.

## Subheading

Unordered List:

- item 1
- item 2
- item 3

Ordered List:

1. item 1
2. item 2
3. item 3

Yay lists!

> This is a blockquote

Or perhaps a code block?

  <body>Hello World!</body>

Create another quality commit message and send this out to be built! After some time, you should have page with many interesting examples on your website.

Chapter Recap

Jekyll is a Static Site Generator that has native integration with GitHub, making it a great option for very simple websites.

This hands-on chapter converted our hand-written HTML into Markdown that Jekyll can built into HTML for us, after assembling a more complete website using our theme of choice.